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Current Directory: /06 Misc Test Equipment/Wayne Kerr/Wayne Kerr Service Manuals
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 AA221 DatasheetPDF   184K  
 B201 DatasheetPDF   148K  
 B221 DatasheetPDF   804K  
 B221 Universal Bridge Instruction ManualPDF   4.0M  
 B522 DatasheetPDF   124K  
 B601 Radio FRequency Bridge and Z601 Low Impedance Adaptor Instruction ManualPDF   1.5M  
 B601 Radio Frequency Bridge Instruction ManualPDF   620K  
 B641 Autobalance Universal Bridge Service ManualPDF   3.9M  
 B641 DatasheetPDF   152K  
 B641 Universal Impedance Bridge Instruction ManualPDF   2.4M  
 B731B Vibration Meter DatasheetPDF   136K  
 B801B VHF Admittance Bridge DatasheetPDF   212K  
 B901 VHF Admittance Bridge DatasheetPDF   212K  
 Capacitance Probes DatasheetPDF   124K  
 Conductivity and Permittivity Measurements App NotePDF   200K  
 DM100B Displacement Meter DatasheetPDF   152K  
 DM100 Application NotePDF   164K  
 JB731B Probe Switch DatasheetPDF   128K  
 Q561 Q761 Bridge Standards DatasheetPDF   300K  
 SR268 Combined Source and Detector DatasheetPDF   164K  
 TB9-6625-2313-40 Calibration Procedure Model 6425APDF   116K  
 Transformer Ratio-Arm Bridge App NotePDF   2.0M